Enhancing User Engagement on the Website Through Redesign

My role

• Designed all aspects of Lepius’ website from scratch, including user research, sitemap, wireframes, and high-fidelity screens
• Initiated daily meetings to discuss design decisions, functionality, and interaction with engineering team and PM
• Built a component library and managed design systems, including style guides & patterns


• Achieved a 67% increase in user engagement rate, including higher new visitor numbers, page views, longer engagement times, and reduced bounce rates
• Streamlined team efficiency and accelerated update releases by implementing design systems




Jan - Apr 2021


2 Designers (incl.me)

3 Engineers
1 PM

About Lepius

Medical network for verified doctors

Lepius, a planned healthcare product by Tesser, allowed verified doctors to share medical cases using standardized terminology with auto-completion, promoting collaboration among colleagues.

This screen is accessible to users after they sign up and verify their identity through the website.

The original website was intended to assist potential users in navigating through the platform's features and streamlining their sign-up process before accessing the platform.


However, the team found low user engagement, indicated by low average engagement time, a high bounce rate, and low signup conversions.

These metrics were tracked using Google Analytics over the last 30 days.


The goal was set to improve user engagement rates on the website, ultimately resulting in higher conversion rates for signups.

User research

The team conducted surveys and in-depth interviews with 58+ doctors from both general hospitals and university hospitals, allowing us to uncover several key insights.

The research goal was to gather doctors' feedback about the Lepius website and platform. One session was aimed at determining if they were willing to sign up after exploring our Lepius website.

Key Insights

Factors contributing to low engagement and signup conversions

The Lepius website prior to the redesign

1. Difficulties in visualizing the platform's appearance and benefits

Character illustrations and text descriptions, without product's visual images, failed to engage users effectively, making it hard for them to visualize the platform's appearance and benefits.

2. Uncertainty and trust concerns

Many users lacked crucial information, especially regarding privacy policies, before signing up. Failing to address their questions left them uncertain, causing hesitation and ultimately hindering their sign-up process.

In the fast-paced and agile environment, the engineering and design teams gathered daily to make decisions on the sitemap, interactions, and UI designs.

Design Solution 1

Creating feature pages, providing clear visuals to enhance understanding of the product

I integrated simple and clear visual interfaces to demonstrate product usage scenarios, such as search, writing, and networking, aiming to assist potential users in effectively visualizing the benefits of the product.





Design Solution 2

Creating an accessible FAQ page

I created easy navigation for potential users, selecting and designing components such as breadcrumbs, floating navigation menus, and pagination to ensure users could easily access answers to their questions. Left unresolved inquiries could potentially prevent them from signing up.

Click on the image to enlarge

Design Solution 3

Enhancing user trust and engagement through robust website interactions

Finally, I collaborated with engineering teams to integrate website interactions aimed at effectively engaging visitors. This involved conducting benchmarking research and providing references with code examples to ensure a seamless handoff to the engineering team.

Additional Tasks for Solutions

Responsive web design with organized grid system

I designed a responsive web layout optimized for a range of devices, including desktops, tablets, and mobile phones. This involved implementing an organized grid system to enhance user experience and ensure consistent performance across platforms.



Enhanced user engagement through website redesign

Following the website redesign, we've seen some clear improvements in user engagement metrics. Notably, there's been a decrease in bounce rate, more new visitors coming in, and users spending longer on the site. This has translated into fewer abandoned sessions and a noticeable increase in sign-up conversions.

1m 25s

Average engagement time


Increase in engagement


More page views


Developing a product from concept to launch

I played a crucial role in collaborating closely with the engineering team and project manager in an agile environment. Together, we deliberated on key design decisions and brainstormed ideas to successfully launch our product from scratch. This hands-on experience taught me invaluable lessons in working with various stakeholders within a small startup, enabling me to contribute effectively to the entire product development and launch process.

Creating consistent user experiences through design systems

I took the lead in creating design systems to streamline our workflow and enhance user experience. By developing comprehensive component libraries and style guides, I ensured a more consistent user interface. This allowed end-users, such as website visitors or product users, to have a consistent experience when interacting with design elements like buttons, providing clarity on what to expect.

Pending publishment due to confidentiality!

I can't provide extensive details here. If you have any question about the design process, feel free to contact me!

©2024 Ted TAEhyun Lee. All rights reserved.